
Every Christian alive has heard the words of Christ calling us to repent. But the question is, who follows through? Many feel sorry for the bad things they have done. Some do try to change. So we clothe ourselves with the shiny new name "Christian," and never think more of the matter. Yet, the only... Continue Reading →

Obeying God

The alarm woke the man at an early hour. It was his only time out of his busy schedule to go and be alone with God. But the man was tired. He struggled to drag himself out of bed. It occurred to him to stay a little longer and get a little more sleep. There... Continue Reading →

A Moment in God´s Presence

A person who has experienced God´s presence for themselves is a marked person. Something marvelous happened to them. How they got there was both a blessing and a mystery. But somehow, the Lord saw something special in their hearts. So, He moved. God stirred in unseen ways. Awareness of His presence swept over the humble... Continue Reading →

Harsh Defense of Faith

What should define a Christian? Do we ever implicate ourselves to scrutinize our sentiments or actions? Our first obligation is never to ourselves. We were given life. We believe God has a plan to save us. Our first obligation is to the One who made us and redeems us. Our Savior loved us enough to... Continue Reading →

The Highest Path

Once someone realizes they can walk with God, the possibilities become endless. We like to think that the drunk laying in the gutter can clean up. Finally, he has someone who cares for him and can help him make better decisions. But the same goes for a king. The man standing on the proverbial top... Continue Reading →

False Christianity

Just because we do not like to think about it does not mean that we will get off the hook. Each person is responsible for where we stand with God. A preacher needs to follow what they preach before expecting anyone else to. A teacher must first experience God before they can ever bring anyone... Continue Reading →

Jesus and Temptation

Jesus says that man does not live by bread alone. He refuses to let anyone force Him to take His eyes and His heart off the Father.  Not even hunger comes before honoring God.  The Devil has no power over that kind of faith and devotion to God. Christ passed the second test not by... Continue Reading →

The Spirit of God Came Down

Fear may keep many of us from stepping too far out on the limb. So talk of the Holy Spirit never reaches what it should hold for every Christian. Yet our Savior and Bibles bring God´s Spirit into the picture, and so should we. We are creatures that have fallen from the intended relationship God... Continue Reading →

Brood of Vipers

The sincere examine their faith. We realize there is a lot of ground to gain with God. We go to our Bibles and our knees.  Getting to where our hearts long to be takes change. The road that leads closer to Christ is narrow.  We will need to learn to use every tool available to... Continue Reading →

Spoken to in Dreams

A most wonderful hope is to be spoken to by the Divine.  Like a phone call from some cherished person in your life, our hearts would skip inside. Just think of it. The Almighty reaches through the mystical barriers that separate our world from His.  He communicates a message directly to us, and WE HEAR IT!... Continue Reading →

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